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Best PPG Parody So Far

The PPG work real well with flash; they're easy to draw and not too hard to animate. But the sound still needs work, they are too hard to understand. And why the hell did the cold sores on the bad guys face lead to a fatal blow job? Am I missing something here?

BTW, did you know there actually are male counterparts to the ppg? They are called the Rowdyruff Boys and they only appeared for one episode.

Yeah! Bubbles is hard core!

That's now officially my favorite episode of the Powerpuff Girls! You have to make this a download on your website! I'd deffinitely send it to everyone! BTW, why the heck did Ms Bellum look like that?! o_O

Grrrrrrr . . .

Ok, you had me until you made Tom and Wade cry. Get over yourselves! They didn't cry! They posted that letter because they thought, like the rest of us, that it was hilarious! Try to be mature for more than 20 seconds and maybe you'll realize that calling yourself the king of the portal doesn't mean shit! Making a great work of flash, no, making several great works that everyone loves not because you ask them to vote 5 but because they are genuine works of art, THAT would make you king.


I though this was going to be stupid since it had way too many ! in the titile, and in a way I was right. But it's the good type of stupid, the type that cracks me up! Hilarious!

Wowee . . . -_-

Come on man! Keep this sorta screwing around with flash crap at home and only submit if you make something worth my time!

Yeah . . . right . . .

Yeah . . . I'm sure this is the first thing that came to mind . . . after you watched No Remorse!

Great first piece

Wow, you're pretty good! You used snippets from the internet but unlike some other flash virgins you actually cropped the pictures so that they don't have that annoying white rim around the edge of the object! Can't wait for #2.

Best yet!

I'm a huge fan of your work and this is by far the best one yet! The fact that he's sweatin' bullets on the way down was a nice touch! Can't wait for #2!

Gotta love those tattoos!

I love the Miss Dynamite series, but I would have never guessed that Eva would dress up like a sailor scout!

still getting my deviant art page up and running... still have to scan in most of my drawings to the site.

Age 43, Female


Florida Atlantic University

West Palm Beach, FL

Joined on 8/20/00

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