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How deliciously Monty Python!!!

Heh, I liked this, but then again I'm easily amused. One major problem though. The sound is a bit low and eventually goes off sync. If the sound is just one big file, it should be cut up into smaller ones, and all of the sound files should be set to "stream" not "event" under properties. That should fix the sync.

Meh its ok...

Would have been better off as a YTMND rather than a flash.

iisryan responds:

I was making it as a ytmnd, but when I exported it as a GIF, it was over 150MB. I was able to work it down to 20MB, but it was still too large to post on ytmnd. I decided that I wouldn't let all of my hard work go towards nothing, so I exported it as a compressed swf and entered it here.

I chortled...

I laughed as soon as I saw Mario on the bridge; I just knew what was coming next! The sprites making different noises when they talked was a nice touch too. Not the funniest Mario spoof but definitly deserves to be on the Mario collections page.

Half good half bad.

Its always great to watch this series cause unlike a lot of the crap out there on topics like this you actually bring in facts and points to back yourself up... unlike half the "news" comentators out there or, say, the people writing reviews to you work.

Your argument isn't as strong when you steriotype, like the cabs in New York or Seven Eleven remarks. Those just seem childish. But when you get into the true hipocricy of the situation, thats where this Flash has its biggest strength. The fact that Muslims are protesting the depictions of their religion as voilent by violently assaulting both people and property is enough to make me laugh and cry at the same time... unless, to quote a YTMND, they are just being REALLY ironic (not likely).

I never did think about how many ways Jesus is mocked and misused in US media. I like the comparison, but I don't think its fair to say that christians are somehow more mellow. I think they just got it out of their system with the crusades and the inquisition and are now, as you put it, annoying.

Anyhow, this gives us a lot to think about, if only people would think. Judging from many of the responses to this Flash, thats not going to happen. People don't think enough, and if they did this sort of thing wouldn't happen. Thanks for trying to point this sort of thing out.


Just one thing... when Kirby landed in the blue goo bucket... I was almost certain he would roll out covered in the stuff and look like Lolo from the old NES days... oh well that was still pretty funny.

...Now when is the next full episode coming out?

Sorry but no.

Since all you did was (badly) trace some Prince of Persia sprites, I cant say that I liked this. PoP1 was awsome; this just seemed pale in comparison.

Wow, another Metal Slug Flash... Great...

So lemme see if I got this... In your movie... North Korea attacks us and the first target they select is... Manhattan? Um... isnt North Korea in Asia... across the Pacific... to the West of us? Wouldnt it be more logical for them to bomb California? Since, y'know, its right next to them? I mean, what? They circled around South America and attacked us? Instead of just attacking San Fransisco? And we didnt notice them doing this? I see...

Dusty-Gorilla responds:

Animation can have whatever it wants in it. I can do whatever I want in animation. STFU!

Hehe... cute

I like the paper at the end that says: Senate Destroyed. Senator Clinton Blames Video Games. Oh that was good! The rest was ok. I was curious though... why didn't George have a tail?

florizel responds:

The original book character doesn't have a tail, which I think means he's actually a chimp and not a monkey.

still getting my deviant art page up and running... still have to scan in most of my drawings to the site.

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