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Um... not quite right...

I dont think IllWill speeds up or slows down his voice through sound recorder like that. He probably uses a more advanced sound editor that lets him change the pitch of the sound file, not just speed it up. Thats probably not what Foamy sounds like as a raw file... he probably sounds normal and then has his pitch changed.

That aside, you could have animated more in this than just the smoke from the "cigarette" and the weird red bar that tells us who is talking at any given time. Not a very good flash overall.

Oh wow thats just sad...

Thats the real FEMA rap on the real FEMA website... thats just awful. You get bonus points for pointing out a tragec irony.

Fortyseven responds:

Yeah, it's pretty scary. ;)

Not bad

But if you are going to depict a tragedy on this scale, there should be some people in the scene. The horror is not that the city is going to be destroyed but that the people are going to die. Without that human element, it loses a lot of its intensity.

Um... what?

OK... what did that have to do with racial discrimination? Granted, it was well drawn but... was the string discrimination or something? Like he was a puppet? Thats teh best I could come up with...

Not bad... In fact I liked it!

Not too shabby. Its a good action figure animation. Nice editing on the pics etc. The voice work is lousy though. I could not make out what they were saying not because they were speaking Spanish but just because they were low and muttering.

Meh its ok...

It get a bit boring after a while though... thats probably because the pacing was much slower than most of the stuff on NG. It does have a unique style to it and is very original.


Didnt you just upload the first one? And didnt it just get blammed? What are you doing?

Its obvious those arent soldiers, its obvious thats not a base. Thats your buddies and thats your house. If you are going to make a movie, import it into flash and try to pass it of on NG, wear some costumes and make some sets. This doesnt look good. It just looks like you all have too much time on your hands.


These types of FBFs are about as interesting as a laser light show... which is not much no matter how well done they are.

theY4Kman responds:

True, although a laser light show is cool because it's real. I wonder how they program the lights to move in just the right way...

What the hell was that?

Don't you think that if there really was a Son Gokuu that he would do a little more in Louisiana than loot? Don't you think he'd, I dunno, hand out sensu beans or something? Seriously, wat was this?

Another bad parody!

The first rule of parody is if you are going to do one, your work has to be as good as the original if not better. You cant half-ass a parody!

THIS-IS-AN-ALT responds:

Or can you..?

still getting my deviant art page up and running... still have to scan in most of my drawings to the site.

Age 43, Female


Florida Atlantic University

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