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Disturbing to say the least

Let me start by saying this is cinematicallly beautiful. The colors, the camera angles, the use of real photography mixed in with the animation all pull together to create a grizly and dark atmosphere. I think the reason why so many people are panning you is because this piece is truely disturbing, and each bad review you should take as a complement.
That being said, there were a couple things that I didn't like. The priest's eyes didn't seem like they were attached to his head at times, like they were tweening at a different speed than the rest of his face. Another thing, when the priest's eye was stabbed out, there was just blood coming out. Eyes have not only blood but a clear liquidy stuff that should have been present. Same goes for the brain, there should have been some sort of yellow cerebral fluid dripping out (Yes, I'm just as demented as you are).
One last thing: I didn't catch why he said 'thank you' in the end. Did he feel somehow saved by all this? Is he going to continue to kill or did he get it all out of his system. That wasn't quite clear in the end.

Funny as Hell!

I love the sword fight! Reminds me of this one Terry Gillam cartoon where this samari slices everyone in half before he slices himself right down the middle.


. . . you scare me . . .


I just have issue with 2 things:
1) Vegeta should have had an M on his forehead. He's wearing his Buu Saga spandex, he and Goku are both SSJ2, it almost demands he have an M. Goku should also have a halo for the same reasons.
2) The battle is VERY one sided. I do like Goku better than Vegeta, but watching Goku totally dominate the fight like that is kinda lame. Vegeta is a good fighter no matter how much of an asshole he is, so he should be able to get some good hits in.
That being said, This really is a sweet video. You keep getting better and better at animation and this and Gohan transforming in the arena show it. You're really amazing!
Just one request: How about a Mirai Trunks vs Freeza Video for us Trunks fans! Hey, even a Chibi Trunks vs Goten vid would be sweet!

Best AYB Flash!

I can see how you would need three weekends to make this. The animation is so smooth! And I love how you threw Papa Smurf in with the Zig pilot! Its hillarious!

That was fuckin' funny!

The INA ending in itself deserves a 5! Eric you're such a showoff! HAHAHAHA!

ImageNation responds:

We he is a show off but he kicks ass..:) it was hard to choose between oj and the (we call it the blade ending) but in the end we went with what we all thought was cool:) thanks for the review.


Creepy all around from the music to the basement scene to the evil smile on the old man's face. Its great how the salesman was selling bugspray, which the old guy will need now that he has fresh meat! God I love irony! Awsome rolling head at the end, too!


Oh man you're good! Not only did you do this, but you did Taliban Twister? Damn, most flash artists are lucky to have one clever movie like these under their belt, and you got both of 'em! Sweet Christ! I can't wait to see Hippies vs Al Qaeda!

Nice little diddy!

Good idea, but the voice and image don't sync well. On my computer you're a lyric off. Try going back and maybe breaking up the audio to parts that occur on the timeline parallel with the different events (I'm kinda new to flash so I'm not too sure if I'm making sense. Sorry)

still getting my deviant art page up and running... still have to scan in most of my drawings to the site.

Age 43, Female


Florida Atlantic University

West Palm Beach, FL

Joined on 8/20/00

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