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35 Game Reviews

8 w/ Responses

Not bad

Not bad. One bug: when you try to leave, it asks you if you are sure and the [yes] button does not do anything. So, technically you cant leave!

Ssilver7 responds:

This was actually made to run straight off the file not embedded in a webpage, so I had to change some things, I thought I had fixed it. Turns out NG doesn't allow the running of JS commands.

Thanks for finding that.

Not bad... not bad at all

Its so easy to grab the code for a quiz show off the net that these quiz shows usually wind up being drab and nothing to look at. But this was great! Good graphics, good questions, but the song made it hard to consentrate sometimes. Overall though real nice.

Darra-Fahy responds:

Yeah A Lot Of People Said That About The Song.


Usually these "dont let the bad guys hit your cursor" games are a little easy but this was actually challenging!


Nice how you can customize your character. The jumping is a bit awkward though. Its a bit hard to move around. Stopping is also a bit weird feeling. Its a sort of sliding stop. Overall teh physics needs work but the game itself is kinda fun.

Not as detailed as some others

This is ok but it doesnt contain anything other flash tutorials dont already have. There have been so many of these that now to make a good one you either have to have an insane amount of content or something that the others dont have.

Some interesting things to play around with...

But it mimics the fustrations of real windows all too well. Not as enjoyable as WinRG or some of the other anti-Windows flash out there. Lots more content though.

Meh its ok...

One of the Stewie's doesn't work right. The Stewie on the far left makes Peter say "To the Popemobile!".

Nice lot of games

Just a few issues I found:

In the Mercenary game, you cant shoot the guy that runs to the right while he's running, which since he's out in the open is bizzare. Also that whole "dont shoot Im unarmed" deal can get annoying after a while.

The drive drive drive game is hard to see when at top speed. The background isnt done very welll; the manhole disappears only half way after the loop.

In the fireball eater game, which is too easy, the song doesnt loop well. It stops and clicks before restarting.

All in all though this is pretty nice. A great lot of games.

Glaiel-Gamer responds:

For merc's game, you can, it just takes a couple hits

Well.... yea for the other 2. The song is supposed to be like that though, and Inglor made his game in about an hour.

Awsome! Great game design.

I just have a few suggestions for the final version:

1)This guy has to walk a little faster. I can see large dungeons getting real annoying real quick. Maybe a button should toggle run mode on and off.

2)You should be able to attack and defend while ducking, otherwise ducking is pretty useless.

3)You should be able to attack while jumping straight up. I was able to pull off a run jump attack, but not one from a straight up jump.

thats about all I can think of. all in all this is great physics for a great game. I like the little maze and hidden road to the right of the forrest. I definitly want to see the final product!

still getting my deviant art page up and running... still have to scan in most of my drawings to the site.

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